
Technical Paper | Food Manufacturing Root Cause Analysis Lockout/Tag Out

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FOOD MANUFACTURING ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Lockout/Tag Out TECHNICAL PAPER PAGE | 15 APPENDIX 2 CONTROLS/SOLUTIONS FOR TOP PRIMARY CAUSAL FACTORS g) Conduct regular (e.g., annual) refresher training with confirmation of knowledge and behaviour. h) Regularly monitor and evaluate LOTO practices/behaviours. i) Encourage an environment where workers can provide feedback on challenges and issues associated with effective LOTO. j) Consider impact on training when changes are made in the workplace. As needed, update training when there are changes to equipment, set-up, process, etc. k) To promote awareness, post signs (related to LOTO) on equipment with visual elements. l) Create readily available, searchable, on-demand visual job descriptions. m) Consider prescribing in legislation training requirements for LOTO (like working at heights in construction). n) Provide tools/resources/information on what is considered a "competent" trainer and an effective training program. o) Provide a standard/guideline for LOTO training (general and specific, codes of practice, as well as refresher). p) Consider referencing CSA standards (CSA Z460, CSA Z462) in the legislation (reg. 851). q) Have readily available, at no cost, easily accessible e-learning on the basics of LOTO. 4. Category: Culture Primary Causal Factor: Low Risk Perception/Acceptance of Risk a) Promotional measures: a. Educate staff members on all potential outcomes of LOTO incidents (effects on worker, family, etc.). As much as feasible, communicate consequences in a visual manner, and/or provide demonstrations. b. Have employees experience what it is like to be injured (consider NAOSH). c. Run campaigns such as "Come Home Commitment", or "Who are you being safe for." d. Utilize Threads of Life/My Safe Work speakers and/or share their stories (relating to incidence with LOTO). * e. Utilize well known community leaders to help spread the message. f. Provide free (virtual) events related to LOTO (mock inquest, mock trial). g. Regularly communicate high risk hazards (and the importance of LOTO) to workers. b) Ensure supervisors understand the consequences of not following LOTO beyond fines, or jail time (responsibility for injured worker). c) Ensure workers who perform LOTO or non-routine maintenance participate in risk assessments, in addition to experienced workers who may share insights into past incidents. d) Use consistent risk ratings. Have clear definitions of the different variables and associated levels. e) Revive 'prevent it' commercials or utilize other public service announcements.

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