
Technical Paper | Food Manufacturing Root Cause Analysis Lockout/Tag Out

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FOOD MANUFACTURING ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Lockout/Tag Out TECHNICAL PAPER PAGE | 19 APPENDIX 2 CONTROLS/SOLUTIONS FOR TOP PRIMARY CAUSAL FACTORS 8. Category: Tools & Machines Primary Causal Factor: Lockout points not accessible a) Minimum standards for equipment design should include adequate isolation points. b) Prior to installation/set up (at planning stage) of equipment, there should be: a. Identification of all energy sources b. Consideration of accessibility of isolation points c. The impact with integration other equipment. Determine need for additional isolation points. c) Evaluate accessibility LOTO points for existing equipment. Consider modification where points are not accessible. d) When arranging for Pre-Start Health and Safety Reviews consider LOTO requirements, such as accessibility of isolation points, consider the environment in which the equipment will be installed. e) Regulated Pre-Start Health and Safety Reviews should include LOTO requirements (such as accessibility of isolation points). f) Create a standard or guideline for the definition of "accessible isolation point." 9. Category: Processes Primary Causal Factor: Inadequate procedure a) Identify and consult with all relevant stakeholders on creation of LOTO procedures. b) Use common, plain language with fewer words and more visual elements. c) Create a robust task list that requires LOTO. d) Have equipment specific LOTO procedures. e) Ensure procedure includes step-by-step means to de-energize all isolation points, required LOTO devices, testing of zero energy state, etc. f) Include clear requirements for a. Group lock out, shift changes b. Managing situations where workers leave their lock on equipment. g) Include roles and responsibilities and training requirements. h) Regularly review and sign off on procedures. i) Re-evaluate the validity of existing lock out procedures if changes are made to equipment, environment, or associated tasks. j) Post placards/procedures by each machine and include: a. Visual elements b. All LOTO points c. LOTO devices needed k) Clearly and consistently identify all LOTO points on both procedure and machine. l) If the machine has multiple LOTO points, have it reflected on the label (e.g., 1 of 3).

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