
Technical Paper | Food Manufacturing Root Cause Analysis Lockout/Tag Out

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FOOD MANUFACTURING ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Lockout/Tag Out TECHNICAL PAPER PAGE | 20 APPENDIX 2 CONTROLS/SOLUTIONS FOR TOP PRIMARY CAUSAL FACTORS m) Consider referencing applicable standards or guidelines for LOTO in the legislation (i.e., Reg. 851). n) Ensure that the manufacturer's specifications include specific procedures for LOTO; and are reviewed for adequacy prior to purchasing. 10. Category: Measures Primary Causal Factor: Inadequate LOTO Metrics (production rate, downtime, financial growth) a) Establish OHS metrics for LOTO performance and hold individuals accountable for meeting objectives and targets. b) Train supervisors/management on how LOTO metrics can be monitored and how the data can be used. c) Use positive reinforcement for the right behaviours. d) Incentivize positive LOTO metrics e.g., free lunch, rewards, etc. e) Commit to having disconnects for individual machines/energy sources to make it easier to do the right thing and result in less downtime on production. f) Provide education, including a message from top management and supervisors that nothing takes priority over safety. Have "Safety Absolutes" with higher discipline levels (first offence suspended or fired). g) Educate top management and supervisors so they know what the standards and regulations are for LOTO. Do not just leave it to the safety team. This should be part of their "do everything reasonable" clause. h) Emphasize the importance of safety (LOTO) over production. i) Emphasize that accidents end up costing the company money in the end or even death to an employee. j) Add sensor to LOTO point to track if lock applied. 11. Category: Tools & Machines Primary Causal Factor: LOTO points not clearly identified a) Identify isolation points in a standardized manner. b) Standardize LOTO devices (type, colour, etc.). c) Use bright colours to identify LOTO points. d) Create schematics of machines showing all LOTO points. e) Conduct internal evaluation of all new equipment to ensure the LOTO points have been identified. f) Ensure that workers report circumstances where isolation points are not clearly identified. g) Audit/evaluate LOTO points regularly (may be part of machine pre-shift inspections). h) Ensure training content includes the identification of isolation points. * Repeated entries.

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