
Technical Paper | Food Manufacturing Root Cause Analysis Lockout/Tag Out

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FOOD MANUFACTURING ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Lockout/Tag Out TECHNICAL PAPER PAGE | 22 APPENDIX 3 FISHBONE DIAGRAM | TOOLS AND MACHINES LOTO point not maintained (defective) Inadequate preventive maintenance Inadequate LOTO point LOTO point not accessible LOTO point not identified Inadequate LOTO placard at machine Multiple LOTO points LOTO wrong point LOTO point not identified Stress / rushing / no verification Inadequate resources Inadequate LOTO Not legible / understood Not conspicuous Functional needs not assessed Language barrier Dirty / old Inadequate preventive maintenance Live work Complacency / overconfidence Reliance on other safeguarding devices Inadequate knowledge Unable to do partial LOTO LOTO point in electrical room Restricted / blocked Unlabeled panel Single LOTO point for multiple machines (electrical panel) Remove fuse to LOTO machine Functional needs not assessed Complacency / overconfidence Inadequate LOTO Inadequate knowledge Live work Reliance on other safeguarding devices Not at point of use Not compatible Missing / broken Functional needs not assessed Too many / uncontrolled keys Typically issued Not to safety standards Inadequate storage Inadequate preventive maintenance Inadequate knowledge Purchasing Change management Large distance between LOTO points Out of reach No LOTO point at machine (remote) Barriers to access (items in way) Inappropriate design / modification Layout / installation (floor plan, material storage) No defined design standard requirement Functional needs not assessed Inadequate housekeeping Inadequate PSR Change management Purchasing Inadequate knowledge Doesn't address LOTO Inadequate process Cost LEGEND KPI: Key performance indicator LOTO: Lock Out Tag Out PSR: Pre-Start Health and Safety Review Root causes: Primary cause Tertiary cause Quaternary cause Quintenary cause Secondary cause Top primary cause LEGEND KPI: Key performance indicator LOTO: Lock Out Tag Out PSR: Pre-Start Health and Safety Review Root causes: Primary cause Tertiary cause Quaternary cause Quintenary cause Secondary cause Top primary cause Not available Inadequate LOTO device LEGEND: TOOLS & MACHINES

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