
Technical Paper | Food Manufacturing Root Cause Analysis Lockout/Tag Out

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FOOD MANUFACTURING ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Lockout/Tag Out TECHNICAL PAPER PAGE | 25 LEGEND LOTO: Lock Out Tag Out Root causes: Primary cause Tertiary cause Quaternary cause Quintenary cause Secondary cause Top primary cause LEGEND LOTO: Lock Out Tag Out Root causes: Primary cause Tertiary cause Quaternary cause Quintenary cause Secondary cause Top primary cause Organizational structure New business Large corporation Small / family owned Production valued over safety Inadequate knowledge Inadequate resources Production valued over safety Information /resources not readily available Inadequate Leadership Fear Live work Risk not appreciated Underreporting of LOTO issues Quick fix Overconfidence Increased effort causes increased risk acceptance No LOTO incidents Complacency Practicality Workers (reprisal, embarassed) Increased with Temp workers Inadequate supervision Worker may leave for another workplace Worker may file harassment complaint Convenient Perception of only option Minor maintenance Troubleshooting Overconfidence Food safety requirement Reliance on other safeguarding devices Inadequate risk assessment for alternate measures Influence on organizational values Imbalanced priority Not utilizing system incentives (HSEP) Don't appreciate / understand legal requirements Inadequate training Perceived cost / benefit Inadequate metrics Not measuring rates Unsure of benchmark comparison Inadequate time / resources Cost outweighs benefits Not LOTO specific Low risk perception / acceptable risk Inadequate Leadership commitment Common practice Skilled trade Complacency Overconfidence No incidents Organization perceives as safe Inadequate Leadership APPENDIX 3 FISHBONE DIAGRAM | CULTURE LEGEND: CULTURE

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