
Technical Paper | Food Manufacturing Root Cause Analysis Lockout/Tag Out

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FOOD MANUFACTURING ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Lockout/Tag Out TECHNICAL PAPER PAGE | 26 APPENDIX 3 FISHBONE DIAGRAM | ENVIRONMENT LEGEND LOTO: Lock Out Tag Out Root causes: Primary cause Tertiary cause Quaternary cause Quintenary cause Secondary cause Top primary cause LEGEND LOTO: Lock Out Tag Out Root causes: Primary cause Tertiary cause Quaternary cause Quintenary cause Secondary cause Top primary cause Affected worker (unauthorized) Remote area / size of facility Dust Inadequate awareness signage End of shift (cleaning) Inadequate maintenance Inadequate changeover time High speed production Short-staffed Jams / blockages Quick fix Leave at end of shift Inadequate time Procrastination Overwhelmed Inadequate process Production pressure Production output Quick reaction Causes unaddressed Low risk perception Routine (non) Delayed authorized worker Production pressure Not reported short-staffed Location / access to LOTO point LOTO device not at point of use LOTO involving multiple workers Distant from machine Inadequate planning Communication barriers Facility / equipment design Exposure Access to LOTO point Inadequate maintenance of LOTO point Inadequate preventive maintenance Extreme temperature Thermal LOTO takes too long Inadequate planning Rushing LEGEND: ENVIRONMENT

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