
Technical Paper | Food Manufacturing Root Cause Analysis Lockout/Tag Out

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FOOD MANUFACTURING ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Lockout/Tag Out TECHNICAL PAPER PAGE | 28 APPENDIX 4 THE SWISS CHEESE MODEL OF ACCIDENT CAUSATION Adapted © 2013 Industrial Safety Integration Simultaneous failure/absence of risk controls could cause a "catastrophic event" Failure/absence of risk controls Examples that could lead to increased risk Training material not current Shortage of key skillset Fatigue Design issues LATENT FAILURE LATENT FAILURE LATENT FAILURE Unsafe act ACTIVE FAILURE LATENT FAILURE Risk Assessment: The Swiss Cheese Model of Accident Causation 9 Pictured above: The "Swiss Cheese" model of simultaneous failure or absence of risk controls that could cause a "catastrophic event." In this model, when there are latent failures in design, gaps in regulation, outdated training material, shortage of skillsets, and an unsafe act, all the "holes" in the system line-up to potentially cause a critical injury or fatality. "Copied under license from Access Copyright. Further reproduction, distribution or transmission is prohibited, except as otherwise permitted by law. To license additional copies contact:"

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