
Technical Paper | Food Manufacturing Root Cause Analysis Lockout/Tag Out

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FOOD MANUFACTURING ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Lockout/Tag Out TECHNICAL PAPER PAGE | 5 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS WORKSHOP DAY 1 | LOCKOUT/TAG OUT THE ROOT-CAUSE WORKSHOP FISHBONE EXERCISE Day One of the workshop consisted of the subject matter experts identifying reasons for inadequate lockout/tag out in the food manufacturing sector with the use of a fishbone diagram. The Fishbone consisted of the following categories: 1. Tools & Machines: equipment, technology, tool design, maintenance 2. Culture: work culture/attitudes, values, organization leadership, traditions, beliefs, interactions 3. Processes: method, procedures, work instructions, policy 4. Environment: working environment, work surroundings including air, noise, light, accommodation, well-being at work 5. People: behaviour, experience, mental health, age 6. Measures: data, indicators, evaluation, techniques/actions used to measure performance, quality

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