
Technical Paper | Food Manufacturing Root Cause Analysis Lockout/Tag Out

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FOOD MANUFACTURING ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Lockout/Tag Out TECHNICAL PAPER PAGE | 9 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS WORKSHOP DAY 2 On Day 2 of the workshop, the results of the voting were shared with all participants who then discussed possible solutions and controls for the top 10 identified primary causal factors. LIST OF TOP PRIMARY CAUSAL FACTORS PRIORITY CATEGORY PRIMARY CASUAL FACTOR AVERAGE 1 Culture Leadership commitment 6.6 2 Processes Lack of procedures (program) 6.525 3 People Inadequate training 6.35 4 Culture Low risk perception/acceptance of risk 6.25 5 Environment Rushing 6.225 6 People Procedures not followed 6.1 7 Process Inadequate monitoring and enforcement 6.025 Culture Inadequate LOTO devices 6.025 8 Tools & Machines Lockout point not accessible 6 9 Processes Inadequate Procedure 5.975 10 Measures Inadequate metrics (production rate, downtime, financial growth) 5.85 11 Tools & Machines LOTO point not identified 5.65 Note: Due to ties in the formal voting process and changes in votes during validation, the list consists of more than 10 items. Note: Score is out of seven as per the voting scale (page 7). Respective recommended solutions and controls for each primary causal factor can be accessed through the hyperlinks in the table above. A full list of recommendations and controls can be found in Appendix 2.

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