
Technical Paper | Food Manufacturing Root Cause Analysis Lockout/Tag Out

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FOOD MANUFACTURING ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Lockout/Tag Out TECHNICAL PAPER PAGE | 10 FINAL WORKSHOP INDUSTRY RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS The controls and solutions established by the working group are for the top primary causal factors that may contribute to the safe control of hazardous energy – lockout/tag out in the food manufacturing sector. Given the significance of the risk and seriousness of the consequences that may result, it is important that specific solutions targeting systemic weaknesses be implemented immediately. Based on the list of controls/solutions provided by the working group, the following five action items are recommended: 1. Provide information on the importance of effective lockout/tag out Explain risks of hazardous energy and provide examples of injuries/prosecutions resulting from inadequate lockout/tag out. Target the message to workers and senior leadership. 2. Establish a guide for lockout/tag out program and procedures Include roles, responsibilities, accountabilities, and involvement of affected staff, including senior leadership. Define needs assessment (new/modified equipment), application of LOTO, required devices, etc. Provide equipment specific procedures/placards in plain simple language (use of visual aids) that is readily accessible. Consider articulating the requirement in legislation. 3. Establish a guide for lockout/tag out training Ensure the training is both generic and equipment specific. Include instruction on trainer competency, verification of knowledge transfer, supportive learning environment, and follow-up (two-way communication). Consider articulating/prescribing the requirement in legislation. 4. Establish standards for lockout points and devices Ensure lockout points are Identifiable, durable, and easily accessible. Consider incorporating lockout points into legislated Pre-Start Health and Safety Reviews. 5. Enhanced monitoring and enforcement Internal: define requirements, persons responsible, and coaching/mentoring. External: Conduct MLITSD inspection/blitzes and provide injury/prosecution statistics related specifically to inadequate lockout/tag out. The above five recommendations provide a systemic foundation for lockout/tag out. If ignored, the solutions listed for the top ranked primary causal factors will unfortunately serve as "band-aid" solutions. Based on the "Swiss Cheese" model of accident causation (Appendix 4), risk assessment and root-cause analysis theory, we must focus on the causal factors and not just the symptoms. LOCKOUT/TAG OUT RESOURCES For additional insights and information, refer to Top Risks in Food Manufacturing & Root Cause Analysis For tools, solutions and resources visit Toolkit | Food Manufacturing Root Cause Analysis Lockout/Tag Out

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