
Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Risk Assessment Results

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40 Risk (L x C) Event (Situation/Condition) that could result in injury or illness OR What could keep you up at night? Category Rank # Workshop Worker Employer 7.94 8.56 7.33 Product falling from reserve locations Materials 21 7.78 8.50 7.08 Driver when delivering goods ‐other incidents like MSD, theft, etc. (non‐ MVI) Processes 22 7.56 7.08 8.03 Struck‐by ‐Overhead or Unstable loads (not reserved locations) Materials 23 6.81 7.08 6.50 Driver working alone ‐worker in a remote area and unable to get help (outside of workplace) Environment 24 6.77 5.28 8.33 Improperly Mounting Forklift Tools and Machines 25 6.68 6.50 6.86 MHE Drivers falling off back of trailers (away from loading dock) Processes 26 6.67 6.22 7.11 Incidents at the staging area Tools and Machines 27 6.65 7.08 6.22 Shrink Wrapping Pallets by Hand Processes 28 6.56 5.19 8.00 Congestion (outside of staging area) Environment 29 6.56 6.22 6.86 Elements (Heat/Cold/Wet) of Refrigerated Warehousing Environment 30 Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Critical Risk

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