
Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Risk Assessment Results

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14 Risk Calculation Description Likelihood Unwanted event is almost certain to happen in the next year (or 90% or greater chance of occurrence) (5) Almost Certain High probability for unwanted event to occur in the next year (or between 50% ‐90% chance of occurrence) (4) Very Likely It is possible for unwanted event to occur in the next year (or between 20% ‐50% chance of occurrence) (3) Likely Low probability for unwanted event to occur in the next year (or between 5% ‐20% chance of occurrence) (2) Unlikely Very low probability for unwanted event to occur in the next year (or less than 5% chance of occurrence) (1) Rare Description Consequence Fatality or permanent disability (or extreme impact/importance) (5) Extreme Serious event / critical injury or illness (or major impact/importance) (4) Major Temporary disability (lost time): Injury/illness (or moderate impact/importance) (3) Moderate First aid treatment (no lost time) (or minor impact/importance) (2) Minor No injury or illness (or negligible impact/importance) (1) Low Risk Rating Matrix 25 20 15 10 5 Almost certain Likelihood 20 16 12 8 4 Very Likely 15 12 9 6 3 Likely 10 8 6 4 2 Unlikely 5 4 3 2 1 Rare Extreme Major Moderate Minor Low Consequence Risk Rating Low Moderate High Critical 0.00 –4.99 5.00 –11.99 12.00 –19.99 20.00 –25.00

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