
Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Risk Assessment Results

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41 Risk (L x C) Event (Situation/Condition) that could result in injury or illness OR What could keep you up at night? Category Rank # Workshop Worker Employer 6.42 5.00 8.00 Contact with hazardous energy Processes 31 6.24 8.00 4.58 Driving in the Warehouse ‐vibration Tools and Machines 32 6.04 7.56 4.67 Temperature ‐Heat ‐outside of warehouse Environment 33 6.03 5.44 6.61 Chemical Exposure Materials 34 5.96 5.19 6.67 Material handling equipment/accessory (Mast, Brake, Lever stuck in forward position) failures Tools and Machines 35 5.91 5.81 6.00 Fire ‐Emergency planning and response Processes 36 5.90 7.00 4.69 Site Trespassing ‐risk of workplace violence and theft People 37 5.83 5.33 6.22 Driving MHE ‐ergonomics (sprains and strains) Processes 38 5.67 5.25 6.11 Fire/Explosion from battery charging Tools and Machines 39 5.41 5.56 5.25 Ammonia Leak (HVAC Unit Rupture Ammonia Pipe) Processes 40 Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Critical Risk

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