
Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Risk Assessment Results

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12 Participant List: Subject Matter Experts (SME) Company/Representation Name # Dare Foods (Employer) Craig Rodgers 1 Sobeys (Employer –shared vote) Mena DiFlorio Christian Kerel 2 McCormick (Employer) Patrycja Galka 3 Metro (Employer) Monica Sohi 4 Flanagan Foodservice (Employer) Chris Kamzol 5 Nestle (Employer) Alicia Rodriguez Boularte 6 Dare Foods (Worker) Bernice Nippard 7 Sobeys (Worker) MatthewBrown 8 McCormick (Worker) MikeMowry 9 Metro (Worker) Frank Zerafa 10 Flanagan Foodservice (Worker –shared vote) Mark Cidade Bryan Karn 11 Gordon Food Services (Worker –shared vote) OryanChong Cameron Melin 12 Company/Representation Name # MLITSD Ministry Supports 1 WSPS Facilitators and Supports 2 MLITSD Sujoy Dey 3 Ontario Food Terminal Board Industry Representative 4 Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association (observer) Representative 5 PSHSA (observer) Nathan Kolar 6 Voting Participants Non‐Voting Participants

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