
2021 Health & Safety Leadership Survey White Paper

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©2023 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services. All rights reserved. 10 ATTRACTION AND RETENTION OF STAFF This year's results illuminate some misalignment between employer and employee perceptions but also reveal that with conversation, collaboration and commitment, employers can attract and keep the talent they need, and save time and money. And employees can flourish working for employers they trust to keep them healthy and safe. Almost three-quarters of employers say the number one driver of health and safety in their organization is caring for employees' well-being. The same number of employees say they consider an employer's commitment to health and safety before they accept employment. EMPLOYEES EMPLOYERS 1 Wanting more flexibility and worklife balance Increased workload-mental health 2 Increased workload and wanting more pay Wanted more flexibility/worklife balance 3 Increased workload and mental health Childcare reasons when schools were closed 4 Wanting to continue working from home Increased workload and wanted more pay 5 Not feeling safe at work Did not want to be vaccinated How Important is H&S in Accepting a Job? TOP 5 The Disconnect Between Employee and Employer on Why Employees Leave Leading 42% Proactive 36% Managing 32% Reactive 37% Start of journey 39% LEADERS  77% 74% 68% 76% 71% EMPLOYEES 39% 73% Employees indicate it is important Leaders indicate it is important Shared commitment to staying healthy and safe is a huge step in the right direction; however, there is still some work to be done in aligning priorities. Employees' top five reasons for deciding to leave were slightly different than what employers listed.

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