
2021 Health & Safety Leadership Survey White Paper

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©2023 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services. All rights reserved. 12 MENTAL HEALTH IN THE WORKPLACE Mental health has remained among the top three challenges since it appeared at the start of the pandemic. It, along with stress, ranked as the top emerging health and safety concern by 63% of respondents. The top three mental health concerns are stress-related: managing stress, stress due to workloads or deadlines, and increased sick time related to stress. VS EE Stress management 60% +24 Stress from excessive workloads/tight deadlines 48% +18 Increased sick time-stress/other mental health 42% +16 Paperwork life balance 39% +15 Presenteeism (present at work/not really working) 37% +23 Providing a psychologically safe work environment 35% +20 Challenges disconnecting from work during off hours 31% +15 Developing a plan for psychologically safe work envir. 30% +16 Concerns about exposure to COVID workplace 27% +7 Frustration/dissatisfaction returning to office 20% +6 Harassment or bullying in the workplace 19% +9 Violent behaviour in the workplace  9% +1 * EE. = Employee 97% Health & Safety leaders identify mental health as an emerging concern

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