
2021 Health & Safety Leadership Survey White Paper

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©2023 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services. All rights reserved. 8 Attraction and retention of staff 52% Mental health in the workplace 45% Global pandemic 42% Health and safety avoiding workplace injuries 41% Risk management 26% Global pandemic 50% Health and safety avoiding workplace injuries 41% Mental health in the workplace 38% Risk management 31% Attraction and retention of staff 30% Health and safety avoiding workplace injuries 59% Attraction and retention of staff 36% Risk management 35% Regulations and red tape 24% Remaining competitive 22% Attraction and retention of staff 59% Health and safety avoiding workplace injuries 41% Mental health in the workplace 40% Risk management 30% Remaining competitive 23% 2022 2021 2020 2019 YEAR-OVER-YEAR VIEW OF TOP 5 CHALLENGES KEY SURVEY FINDINGS

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