
2021 Health & Safety Leadership Survey White Paper

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©2023 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services. All rights reserved. 28 ABOUT WORKPLACE SAFETY & PREVENTION SERVICES Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) is a not-for-profit organization committed to protecting Ontario workers and businesses. A proud partner in Ontario's occupational health and safety system and a trusted adviser since 1917, WSPS has a rich history of making Ontario workplaces safer. WSPS serves the manufacturing, agricultural and service sectors. As the largest health and safety association in Ontario, we support over 174,000 member firms and 4.2 million workers. WSPS offers unparalleled health and safety expertise, consulting, training and resources. Our mandate includes helping businesses understand their risks and legal obligations to stay in compliance and build safer workplaces. Contact information WSPS Customer Care t 905 614 1400 tf 1 877 494 9777 WSPS.CA

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