
2021 Health & Safety Leadership Survey White Paper

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©2023 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services. All rights reserved. 2 LETTER LETTER FROM MIKE ANDERSON, INTERIM PRESIDENT AND CEO, WSPS Thank you to the more than 1,500 people who responded to this year's Health and Safety Leadership Survey. Over 500 C-suite executives and health and safety decision-makers and 1,000 employees generously took time to share their experiences and opinions regarding workplace health and safety. This is the fourth year of the study, which means we are in a unique position to compare results from the years before, during and after COVID. Year-over-year results show that investing in the health, safety and well-being of employees directly correlates to strong business outcomes, greater sustainability and resilience. Organizations with higher levels of health and safety development have consistently reported stronger outcomes than their counterparts with lower levels. Leading organizations: Experience fewer injuries Saved lives during the pandemic Are in a stronger position to weather the aftershocks of the crisis Attract and keep employees Employment was the hot topic again this year. Attracting, retaining and engaging employees are concerns that keep many leaders awake at night (59%). However, employees shared some helpful insights that reveal most have at least one reason they want to stay with their current employer. And, if their employer is committed to health, safety and well-being, is flexible, and offers fair pay, they are more likely to stay put. Those don't seem like unreasonable demands; they seem like table stakes. Based on numbers regarding level of development, it seems more employers are responding to these expectations. There was an increase in the number of firms identifying themselves as "Managing" and a slight decline in numbers in the least developed categories. To help more organizations move in this direction, we've included tips for getting started and improving performance, in addition to key findings and expert insights, in this year's report. I encourage you to use this research in your planning and decision-making so that you can become an employer of choice, bolster sustainability, and protect the potential in your workplace and community by prioritizing the health, safety & well-being of every employee, every day.

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