
2021 Health & Safety Leadership Survey White Paper

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WSPS.CA | 2023 HEALTH & SAFETY LEADERSHIP SURVEY WHITE PAPER 3 OVERVIEW OF PARTICIPANTS Once again, we surveyed employees to observe the differences and similarities between employer and employee perspectives and experiences. The number of employee participants increased from just over 500 in the last survey to more than 1000 respondents this year. In addition to reaching a broad cross-section of industries, we matched employees and employers as closely as possible in terms of size and industry. This means that no matter the industry or size of business you operate, you can feel confident that the comparison between employer and employee perspectives is reflective of your work environment. OVER 1500 PEOPLE RESPONDED TO THIS YEAR'S SURVEY, INCLUDING MORE THAN 500 C-SUITE EXECUTIVES 57% Senior managers and managers with decision-making authority 24% Executives with titles including CEO, COO, CHRO, President, Vice President, Owner and Partner 19% Human resource professionals 24% 19% 57%

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