Guides & Toolkits

Toolkit | Food & Beverage Wholsale Distribution Risks, Hazards, and Solutions

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3 130-BPW-01-IMAP © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | WSPS.CA Pedestrian Safety and Traffic Management A shared workspace between pedestrians, mobile powered equipment, and vehicles operating in a fast-paced environment can create a high-risk scenario and lead to preventable injuries. Controlling workplace traffic related hazards mitigate this potential harm to pedestrians in warehouse environments. An organized warehouse, with defined traffic flow, also encourages productivity and has a positive bottom-line impact. Consulting Pedestrian Safety and Traffic Management Information Services WSPS Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Resource Hub WSPS Warehouse Safety & Racking Resource Hub Workplace traffic management guidance material Reducing the risk of workers being struck by vehicles or mobile equipment: Guide to using the fillable template Slips, Trips & Falls Preventing slips, trips and falls should be a goal of every safe and healthy workplace. Injuries caused by slips, trips, falls are a leading cause of missed time at work and can occur at any workplace. Effective workplans, policies and programs should be developed in a collaborative fashion, including maintenance staff, to ensure ladders, fixed and portable anchoring points for structures, machinery and other platforms are in place and inspected regularly, through a preventive maintenance program. Consulting Falls Prevention Training Preventing Falls from Slips & Trips (e-Course) Ladder Safety (e-Course) Information Resources WSPS Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Resource Hub WSPS Slips, Trips & Falls Resource Hub Preventing slips, trips and falls in the workplace – Ontario Resource Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls in the Workplace – WorkSafeBC Booklet WSPS.CA

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