130-BPS-03-IGOT © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS)
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Pedestrian Safety
What Employers Need to Know
1. Review storage practices to ensure
workers avoid high pallet stacks at the
end of aisleways, obstructing visibility.
2. Provide workers with pedestrian safety
training. Create a pedestrian safety
policy outlining safe working practices
in storage and warehouse areas.
Pedestrian safety is an important part of ensuring worker safety in storage areas. The movement
of people and machinery within the same workspace can create hazardous situations. Employers
need to review these areas and implement safety practices to reduce the risk of workers being
struck by moving equipment.
1. Ensure workers are operating mobile
equipment safely, slowing down,
sounding the horn and keeping clear
view of travel paths.
2. Ensure workers follow traffic rules at
intersections. Operators should give
pedestrians the right of way.
3. Be a good role model and walk on
pedestrian paths when possible, to
set a good example.