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Hazard Control | Safe Lifting for Supervisors

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SUPERVISOR WSPS.CA 130-BPS-11-IGOT © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 3 Key things to remember when organizing work continued: 5. Provide a lifting device where heavy materials need to be moved from floor level and reducing the weight of the materials is not possible. When lifting devices are available, workers are less likely to manually lift items which are too heavy. 6. Ensure that all devices and equipment are maintained in good working order. Wheels on carts should be properly inflated (if applicable), lubricated, and roll smoothly over the work surface. 4. Provide carts or lifting devices to move heavy items and instruct workers to push, rather than pull the load. Make multiple trips to ensure that carts and lifting devices are not overloaded and that worker line of-sight is not impacted. 4 5 6

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