
WSPS Strategic Plan 2024-2026

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President and CEO and Board Chair's Message We are delighted to share a significant milestone in our journey toward fostering safer workplaces. As the President and CEO, and Board Chair of Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS), we are excited to present our latest strategic plan, which stands as an extension and expansion of the 2020-2023 roadmap. WSPS' commitment to creating safer work environments is unwavering. This new plan, which builds upon the successes and learnings of previous years, is a testament to this dedication. It outlines a strategic vision that will guide the association in making Ontario an even safer place to work. Key Highlights of the WSPS Extended Strategic Plan: Alignment with Core Mandate: The plan reinforces alignment with WSPS' core mandate of promoting workplace safety. We are steadfast in our mission to create environments where employees thrive in secure and healthy conditions. Expanding Reach: We are broadening our impact by extending reach to high-priority businesses in the agriculture, manufacturing, and service sectors. This will enable us to influence a wider spectrum of businesses, ensuring services to firms of all sizes(including small and micro businesses) and in more locations. Technological Integration: Embracing technology as a driving force, we are committed to enhancing accessibility. We are streamlining service delivery channels to ensure workers and employers have the information they need to work safely, when they need it. Driving Awareness of Safety Culture: A culture of safety is at the heart of our mission. Through this plan, we will elevate awareness surrounding safety culture, fostering a collective mindset that values and prioritizes the well- being of every individual within the workplace. We invite you to join us on this transformative journey. Uniting the dedication, expertise, and passion of WSPS people with that of those in industry and the prevention system will be integral in achieving our goals. Together, let's champion workplace safety and set new standards for excellence. Thank you for being an essential part of WSPS' story and for contributing to a safer and healthier future for all. Jody Young President & CEO Ajay Bhardwaj Board Chair WSPS 2024 - 2026 STRATEGIC PLAN | 3

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