Posters & Infographics

Your teen’s new job: A safety training checklist

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First Job, Safe Job provides resources to help you prepare your teen for a safe and positive work experience. Learn more by visiting Your teen's new job A checklist safety training Knowledge is power and without it, your teen could be in danger while at work. Regardless of the job, the following health and safety information should be covered with your teen before they begin: Job-Specific Training Focused on their official job duties, this training provides your teen with an overview of the workplace's unique hazards, employer-specific safety protocols, and the proper use of personal protective equipment and any specialized tools. Occupational Health and Safety Awareness Training for Workers All workers must complete this training, no matter what their age. This basic training covers worker rights, responsibilities, and the importance of workplace safety. Workplace Violence and Harassment Your teen should be taught the company's violence and harassment policy and reporting procedures so they know how to address these issues if they arise. WHMIS All workers who may be exposed to, or required to handle, hazardous materials at work require Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System training on the safe use, handling, storage and disposal of the products. Working at Heights If your teen's job requires them to work at a height of 3 metres or higher, Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development-approved training is required and must be completed before any work at heights begins.

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