
Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Root Cause Analysis Workshop Results

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13 Participant List: Subject Matter Experts # Representative Company 1 Worker 1 McCormick and Company 2 Worker 2 Sobeys 3 Worker 3 Metro 4 Workers 4 & 5 Gordon Food Service 5 Worker 6 Coke Canada Bottling 6 Employer 1 McCormick and Company 7 Employers 2 & 3 Sobeys 8 Employer 4 Metro 9 Employer 5 Gordon Food Service 10 Employer 6 Coke Canada Bottling 11 Employer 7 Nestlé Voting Participants Non-Voting Support # Representative Role 1 Julia Lok WSPS Facilitator 2 Rishma Brenner WSPS Facilitator 3 Subhra Dutta WSPS Support 4 Don Patten WSPS Ergonomist 5 Norm Kramer WSPS Warehouse Specialist

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