
Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Root Cause Analysis Workshop Results

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15 Exposure to musculoskeletal disorders hazards such as heavy lifting, repetitive motion and awkward postures from manual material handling can have serious unintended and adverse effects on the safety and well-being of workers, organizational health, and the broader community. LEGEND Root causes: Primary cause Tertiary cause Quaternary cause Quintenary cause Secondary cause Top primary cause Need to save time More time for breaks Achieve personal targets Fatigue Psychosocial factors (social support) Tenure – old habits Follow the people (assimilate) Incorrect training/procedure Acceptance (fit in) Volume focus KPI Ambitious forecast Aggressive company target/ unrealistic goals Increased workload understaffed Behind schedule High turnover Nature of the Business cycle Poor general fitness No physical ability pre-screening cost Decision makers unaware Small hiring pool anthropometrics Unfit for duty (drug/ alcohol/ impairment) Location of organization (demographics) Workplace set up not suitable for demographics Rushing/ catch up Save time incentive Exceeding personal limits (e.g. not taking a rest day/ calling in sick because they will be penalized in payroll) Fear of discipline Not flexible Lack of stretching Worker not interested No time No fit for duty screening Supervisors not trained on screening No training program cost Mental health/ employer support for addiction Cost Lack of employer support Legal implication (human rights, privacy laws) Lack of enforcement Lack of procedures Lack of robust incident management program Personal habits Fitness level Poor diet and nutrition Experience vs. inexperience Not properly trained Language barriers Don't understand policies and procedures Diverse population Increased immigration Lack of translation and training Increased immigration (more languages) Inadequate training Bringing bad habits Lack of refresher training Lack of enforcement /coaching understaffed Not enough resources (money, people, time) Fatigue Long hours and overtime Environment (hot/cold) Manual/ intense tasks Shift work Personal health Business demand Cost Business growth Seasonal requirement of the business Increased exposure to extreme temperatures Heavier PPE Increased frequency of taking PPE on/off Inadequate automation or cannot be automated Poor workplace design Lack of awareness of proper standards Not a priority for data to be measured Lack of awareness of long-term implications Reliance on WSIB Lack of appropriate training/measurement method Improper postures Taking shortcuts Incentives Fatigue Low or no knowledge Legal complications – union/human rights Diet/sleep Unrealistic goals Decision makers unaware of how tasks work Business growth and continuous improvement mindset Out of date time study data for decision making Decisions made on old data Lack of internal expertise Insufficient data on loss (effects on business) Lagging vs Leading indicators Not enough leading indicators (measured) Don't know what leading indicators are OHS = cost to business Too many lagging indicators Focus takes away from leading therefore reactive Lack of tool to measure Inconsistent measurement of training quality Not enough resources Incomplete data analysis Lack of standardized way of analysis Company has different measuring data points Reduced transparency of WSIB and MLITSD data Divert attention to focus on lagging indicators Immaturity of organization Lack of JHSC No internal resources Do not have tools to measure System tools are too generic Too much money for customization Legal implication of alcohol and drug screening Negative perception Costs related to support Stigma (addiction) Lack of education on topic and information resources Business decision Too detailed measurement (performance) Business targets Shortcuts (see in People category) Design of measurement does not take into account on differences in people Volume based business performance measurement Lack of/ improper use of hazards identification and risk assessment Maximizing business revenue Lack of process to measure Near misses are not reported Don't understand what a near miss is Fear of reprisal culture Lack of refresher training Employer doesn't invest/not interested in knowing Cost to implement/ maintain Lack of resources (money, time, people) Supervisor ignores/ doesn't resolve the complaint Workers lost trust Inconsistent buy-ins for each location Different priority due to products Job rotation or job variance Operating in silos Reactive process instead of proactive (design) Inconsistent implementation Reporting (severity differs) Subjective nature of pain (qualitative) Specialized skill sets Time for training Increase exposure to other hazards Mandatory certification Lack of cross training Seniority Lack of effective rotation No other tasks available Business operation design Understaffed Too complex to implement rotation Pay differences Maximize efficiency Lack of job variety at the workplace Personal choice Age/seniority Inadequate training Lack of training Poor quality Inconsistent implementati on of training Cost Risk not evaluated Lack of internal expertise Lack of priority No audit/ evaluation Training design flow Ineffective/ inactive JHSC Outdated training method/ system Lack of system information resources Inconsistent trainer qualification Lack of industry standards Inadequate supervision Lack of training Lack of resources Not held accountable Emphasis on production over safety High turnover of supervisors High turnover of supervisors Not part of KPI or individual performance Lack of management of change program Lack of understanding Varying risk acceptance Lack of KPIs Time consuming exercise Resource heavy process (time+people+$$) Delays operations Working in silos with different priorities PPE required for extreme temperature Cold – requires more PPE Limits range of motion Increased exertion because of weight of PPE Grip strength required for when working with gloves Cold promotes rushing To keep warm Fatigue from change in temperatures Increased risk of Slips Trips & Falls Poor floor conditions (condensation) Increased use of improper posture Increased stress in cold Inadequate cold weather/temperature process Lack of space Lack of space management program (e.g., 5s) Designers don't prioritize ergonomics Cost $$$ Lack of standards Unfamiliar environments Inconsistent working conditions Hazardous weather conditions Increased stress Variation in package Lack of control from supplier/vendor Inconsistent application of procurement process/ standards Awkward space Too low/too high packing heights Optimization of space Workplace layout Congestion No dock/ inadequate dock plate Low clearance basement Inadequate screening process Becomes ramp with slope Mismatched delivery truck with unloading area Improper dispatch process Lack of information Increased trips with a load Cannot use proper lifting technique Working and Walking surfaces Slopes increase force required Stairs on delivery side Road/sidewalk conditions for external delivery Older warehouse with extension Smaller warehouse Cannot use mechanical carts Inadequate workplace design Load being handled (dimensions) Equipment used outdoors Equipment must be stored outside Improper equipment for the task Risk assessment was not done OHS not engaged Lack of management of change Lack of training for equipment selection Shortcuts Equipment not available Suboptimal job tasks design No clear criteria for selection of equipment for task Inadequate maintenance of equipment Lack of adequate LOTO Increased force/ awkward postures/ repetition requirement Lack of accountability Lack of resources Inadequate PM Lack of reporting of maintenance requirements Lack of tracking of maintenance issues Selection from automation Requires additional safeguards (by design) Lack of resources No process for alternate equipment storage Inadequate workplace design Lack of inspections No adequate alternatives Increased MSD risk factors Additional tools required Varied product size and shape Lack of resources Lack of space Lack of knowledge of solution types Equipment not available/powered/ ready to use Supply chain Different vendors with varied processes Lack of technology Backlog of maintenance requests No centralized trusted list of equipment types Inadequate/lack of process (being followed) Non- standardized pallet height, size and weight International shipment not on pallet Supplier/ vendor trying to maximize cube Need to meet transportation requirements Supplier may send broken/ non-standard pallet High transportation cost Need to reduce operational costs Operational priority (over safety) Double handling to re-pack Shortage of pallets Pallet cost Lack of internal resources Not following standard process Weather Weather conditions lead to inadequate use Lack of risk assessment Infrequent scenarios Lack of alternative tools Inadequate equipment selection Cost Lack of equipment IRS not emphasized Decision makers prioritize operations over safety Disengaged workforce Risk acceptance Negative perception towards safety Lack of leadership support and accountability Lack of OHS dedicated resources Fear of reprisals Lack of positive reinforcement/ recognition Employment status (e.g. 3 rd party) High turnover Variance in orientation Lack of leadership commitment Lack of follow up/audit Unfamiliar with workplace and/or risks Use cheaper solutions first Generational workforce Resistance to change (new technology) Risk acceptance (workers and supervisors) Failure to follow process Lower accountability Skilled labour shortage Lack of knowledge of risk Ineffective communication (disconnect) Managerial/ training styles outdated Rushed to get worker working Not accounting for varied learning styles Inadequate reporting Not following the hierarchy of controls

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