
Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Root Cause Analysis Workshop Results

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30 LEGEND Root causes: Primary cause Tertiary cause Quaternary cause Quintenary cause Secondary cause Top primary cause Need to save time More time for breaks Achieve personal targets Fatigue Psychosocial factors (social support) Tenure – old habits Follow the people (assimilate) Incorrect training/procedure Acceptance (fit in) Volume focus KPI Ambitious forecast Aggressive company target/ unrealistic goals Increased workload understaffed Behind schedule High turnover Nature of the Business cycle Poor general fitness No physical ability pre-screening cost Decision makers unaware Small hiring pool anthropometrics Unfit for duty (drug/ alcohol/ impairment) Location of organization (demographics) Workplace set up not suitable for demographics Rushing/ catch up Save time incentive Exceeding personal limits (e.g. not taking a rest day/ calling in sick because they will be penalized in payroll) Fear of discipline Not flexible Lack of stretching Worker not interested No time No fit for duty screening Supervisors not trained on screening No training program cost Mental health/ employer support for addiction Cost Lack of employer support Legal implication (human rights, privacy laws) Lack of enforcement Lack of procedures Lack of robust incident management program Personal habits Fitness level Poor diet and nutrition Experience vs. inexperience Not properly trained Language barriers Don't understand policies and procedures Diverse population Increased immigration Lack of translation and training Increased immigration (more languages) Inadequate training Bringing bad habits Lack of refresher training Lack of enforcement /coaching understaffed Not enough resources (money, people, time) Fatigue Long hours and overtime Environment (hot/cold) Manual/ intense tasks Shift work Personal health Business demand Cost Business growth Seasonal requirement of the business Increased exposure to extreme temperatures Heavier PPE Increased frequency of taking PPE on/off Inadequate automation or cannot be automated Poor workplace design Lack of awareness of proper standards Not a priority for data to be measured Lack of awareness of long-term implications Reliance on WSIB Lack of appropriate training/measurement method Improper postures Taking shortcuts Incentives Fatigue Lack of awareness of proper standards Low or no knowledge Legal complications – union/human rights Diet/sleep

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