
Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Root Cause Analysis Workshop Results

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34 Equipment used outdoors Equipment must be stored outside Improper equipment for the task Risk assessment was not done OHS not engaged Lack of management of change Lack of training for equipment selection Shortcuts Equipment not available Suboptimal job tasks design No clear criteria for selection of equipment for task Inadequate maintenance of equipment Lack of adequate LOTO Increased force/ awkward postures/ repetition requirement Lack of accountability Lack of resources Inadequate PM Lack of reporting of maintenance requirements Lack of tracking of maintenance issues Selection from automation Requires additional safeguards (by design) Lack of resources No process for alternate equipment storage Inadequate workplace design Lack of inspections No adequate alternatives Increased MSD risk factors Additional tools required Varied product size and shape Lack of resources Lack of space Lack of knowledge of solution types Equipment not available/ powered/ready to use Supply chain Different vendors with varied processes Lack of technology Backlog of maintenance requests No centralized trusted list of equipment types Inadequate/lack of process (being followed) Non- standardized pallet height, size and weight International shipment not on pallet Supplier/ vendor trying to maximize cube Need to meet transportation requirements Supplier may send broken/ non-standard pallet High transportation cost Need to reduce operational costs Operational priority (over safety) Double handling to re-pack Shortage of pallets Pallet cost Lack of internal resources Not following standard process LEGEND Root causes: Primary cause Tertiary cause Quaternary cause Quintenary cause Secondary cause Top primary cause Weather Weather conditions lead to inadequate use Lack of risk assessment Infrequent scenarios Lack of alternative tools Inadequate equipment selection Cost Lack of equipment

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