
Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Root Cause Analysis Workshop Results

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35 IRS not emphasized Decision makers prioritize operations over safety Disengaged workforce Risk acceptance Negative perception towards safety Lack of leadership support and accountability Lack of OHS dedicated resources Fear of reprisals Lack of positive reinforceme nt/ recognition Employment status (e.g. 3 rd party) High turnover Variance in orientation Lack of leadership commitment Lack of follow up/ audit Unfamiliar with workplace and/or risks Use cheaper solutions first Generational workforce Resistance to change (new technology) Risk acceptance (workers and supervisors) Failure to follow process Lower accountability Skilled labour shortage Lack of knowledge of risk Ineffective communication (disconnect) Managerial/ training styles outdated Rushed to get worker working Not accounting for varied learning styles LEGEND Root causes: Primary cause Tertiary cause Quaternary cause Quintenary cause Secondary cause Top primary cause Inadequate reporting Not following the hierarchy of controls

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