
Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Root Cause Analysis Workshop Results

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40 2. Category: Process – Inadequate training a) Develop short (2-3 minutes), industry specific video training (e.g. how to select from different slot levels, how to unload a trailer) i. Include non-routine situations ii. Include things to consider (e.g. selector using poor ergonomics and what could happen long term) b) Provide supervisor/JHSC specific training to help identify MSD hazards i. How to assist with coaching on MMH – specific to workplaces c) Provide observation checklist for supervisors/JHSC to determine if they are using tools correctly, lifting correctly, etc. i. App for mobile devices d) Consider what best practice training looks like and provide a template i. Modular to allow for customization e) Consider wearable technology to help reinforce proper lifting techniques f) Include MMH and basic lifting techniques for young workers – as part of school curriculum g) Include non-routine situations in training programs – allow training to match reality – customized to the workplace

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