
Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Root Cause Analysis Workshop Results

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42 3. Category: Process – Inadequate supervision a) Provide training to supervisors b) Tie observations and things that supervisors are being asked to do to performance (and KPIs) c) Have defined actions for supervisors with respect to MMH d) Have standardized job description for OHS requirements i. Provide resources to hiring departments/individuals e) Ensure supervisors have a skillset to train others f) Have defined supervisor skillset (including soft skills) and expectations i. Make accessible (e.g. defined ideal supervisor attributes) and specific to industry ii. Information resource (e.g. checklist) g) Have enhanced supervisor "on-the-job" and onboarding training – with safe MMH principles h) Have regular reinforcement on training i) Create supervisors from within – focus on safety for all workers (culture) j) Ensure supervisors are effective communicators k) Increase mentorship opportunities (partner with high performing supervisors)

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