
Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Root Cause Analysis Workshop Results

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45 5. Category: People – Improper postures a) Conduct evaluation and assessment of workstations to determine optimal posture b) Develop a standard/guidelines on optimal lifting heights c) Mandate ergonomic assessment of workstations d) Develop an industry-specific ergonomic assessment guide – with common hazards and controls related to MSDs and MMH e) Make AI/software more accessible to analyze postures f) Ensure OHS component in pre-shift huddle with specific stretches for the tasks to be done g) Provide a guideline of preventative actions to reduce improper postures h) Include post offer employment testing (POET) and functional capacity testing i. Screening for areas with high turnover (conditional employment) ii. Ensure this is included during probation i) Include more frequent follow up during probation to enable worker knowledge retention and skills development to better complete the job tasks i. More supervision during the probation period to correct bad habits ii. More supervisory support during probation on proper techniques

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