
Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Root Cause Analysis Workshop Results

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49 8. Category: Measures – Lack of/Improper use of Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) a) Identify specific timeframe for updating and re-evaluating HIRA b) Ensure information from HIRA is shared with all stakeholders c) Provide template to assess risk with levels (automated for those who may not be trained) d) Provide training on how to do HIRA – geared to individuals without and OHS background/experience e) Provide role-based, pre-populated and customizable HIRA for the industry f) Provide a rebate program for HIRA completion/update g) Ensure there are clear and actionable outputs from HIRA h) Provide a toolkit on types of HIRA, including a complex exhaustive type, and a simplified version to be used for communication i) Provide a tool to identify hazards based on tasks that are completed and then assess the risk, give generic controls j) Allow for customization specific to MMH k) Ensure tool is easy to use for supervisors and all l) Encourage innovation on easier to use technology to help identify risk m) Have clear visual based on job task n) Consider and use AI to help identify hazard and assess risk

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