
Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Root Cause Analysis Workshop Results

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51 9. Category: Tools and Machines – Inadequate equipment selection a) Have clear internal guidelines for what equipment is appropriate b) Provide industry specific guidelines on what MMH equipment is best for different job tasks c) Increase worker consultation on appropriate equipment d) Conduct hazard identification and risk assessment e) Incorporate 5S (space management method) in the workplace f) Ensure employers enable time for supervisors to job-shadow workers and solicit job task feedback (what works, what does not work) g) Dedicate time for continual improvements on controls h) Develop a database of successful equipment pilots, vendor information, etc. i. Reliable/trusted list of products and solutions i) Enable a method to measure equipment fit with vendors (i.e. location dependent) j) Involve workers at the design, investigation, continual improvement, etc. process k) Use a "Ride-along" program – supervisor or peer job-shadowing with delivery personnel i. Feedback for continual improvement ii. Better understanding on job tasks related to building pallet

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