
Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Root Cause Analysis Workshop Results

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20 Worker vs. Workshop Results Rank # Category Primary Causal Factor Average 1 Culture Lack of leadership commitment 7.00 2 Process Inadequate training 7.00 3 Culture Inadequate reporting 6.60 4 Process Inadequate supervision 6.60 5 Process Lack of management of change program 5.80 6 Culture Not following the hierarchy of controls 5.80 7 Environment Load being handled (dimensions) 5.80 8 People Improper postures 5.80 9 Measures Lack of/improper use of HIRA 5.80 10 Tools and Machines Inadequate equipment selection 5.60 Worker Top 10 Results Workshop Top 10 Results Rank # Category Primary Causal Factor Average 1 Culture Lack of leadership commitment 7.00 2 Process Inadequate training 6.83 3 Process Inadequate supervision 6.38 4 Environment Load being handled (dimensions) 6.23 5 People Improper postures 6.23 6 Environment Inadequate workplace design 6.05 7 Process Lack of management of change program 5.98 8 Measures Lack of/improper use of HIRA 5.98 9 Tools and Machines Inadequate equipment selection 5.97 10 Culture Inadequate reporting 5.97 same ranking different ranking

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