
Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Root Cause Analysis Workshop Results

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29 Primary Causal Factors People • Taking shortcuts • Fatigue • Improper postures • Unfit for duty (drug/alcohol/impairment) • Personal habits • Language barriers Process • Lack of process to measure • Job rotation/job variance • Inadequate supervision • Inadequate training • Lack of management of change program Tools and Machines • Equipment used outdoors • Non-standardized pallet height/size/weight • Inadequate equipment selection • Lack of equipment • Inadequate maintenance of equipment • Selection from automation Measures • Unrealistic goals • Lagging vs leading indicators • Incomplete data analysis • Legal implications on alcohol and drug screening • Lack of/Improper use of Hazards Identification and Risk Assessment • Too detailed measurement on performance • Volume based business performance measurements Environment • PPE required for extreme temperature • Inadequate workplace design • Unfamiliar environments • Hazardous weather conditions • Load being handled (dimensions) • Working and walking surfaces Culture • Inadequate reporting • Lack of leadership commitment • Employment status (e.g., 3 rd party) • Generational workforce • Not following the hierarchy of controls • Top 10 Primary Causal Factor

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