
Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Root Cause Analysis Workshop Results

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37 1. Category: Culture – Leadership Commitment a) Develop tools to build a business case – cost of MSDs – e.g. calculator i. Cost of injury outweighs cost of "savings" from doing things unsafely ii. Methods to strengthen the return on investment (MSD prevention) to senior leadership b) Give OHS the tools to speak the language of the leader – how to maximize return on investment c) Develop OHS Policy template that is more specific – acknowledges top priorities, goals, mission statement d) Increase knowledge of senior leaders of their responsibilities with respect to OHS – more specific e) Give access to competitor safety statistics – make easily available f) Establish a requirement for mandatory owner training (similar to mandatory worker/supervisor training) i. Tied to WSIB business registration g) Highlight employer requirements in WSIB welcome package h) Provide financial incentives for implementing OHS programs i. Making safety part of organizational business – tie safety to performance (leading indicators) ii. Lower WSIB rate if organization can show Leadership Commitment i) Provide templates and the tools to implement OHS programs

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