
Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Root Cause Analysis Workshop Results

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41 2. Category: Process – Inadequate training h) Empower workers to understand that non-routine MMH exists and be able to control situations/ask for help i) Increase visibility and cost of MSD hazards across the industry j) Inform workers of the stresses on the body from MMH k) Enable opportunities for custom short videos to be provided to workplaces to share with workers l) Promote the value of train-the-trainer programs i. Make more accessible to increase trainer competency ii. Peer trainers (non-supervisor) can increase trust between workers and workers have shown more effective knowledge retention (remove fear of reprisal when trained by other workers) m) Provide incentive/rebate to employers to help cover the cost of customized training (like the Green Energy Program) n) Provide visual materials (e.g. pictograms) that are accessible on how to lift, when to ask for help, etc. i. Limited/no words to be posted in work areas o) Provide building blocks for training programs – allow organizations to make customizable training packages based on a template

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