
White Paper | Industry Insiders Identify Top Health & Safety Risks and Opportunities in Food and Beverage Wholesale Distribution Industry

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INDUSTRY DRIVEN, INDUSTRY FOCUSED PAGE | 11 1. Consolidate trusted resources in an easy-to-find way and enable networking opportunities. 2. Develop resources and information for supervisors and employers on industry- specific best practices (e.g., tools, assessment, equipment) and the cost of MSD hazards when not controlled. 3. Develop industry-specific guidelines/ standards on common equipment, workplace designs and processes (e.g., pallet size, cube height, ordering processes, frozen goods, perishable goods, etc.) 4. Empower workers and increase worker participation in decision making and solution development to enhance workplace culture. 5. Increase access to incentive/rewards/ recognition on tools, assessment, processes and equipment to highlight the importance of MSD prevention for the industry. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACTION The following five recommendations were proposed by the group. CONCLUSION The risk assessment and root cause analysis workshops for the food and beverage wholesale distribution industry highlight a clear path towards reducing occupational health and safety risks and improving worker health and safety. Solidifying leadership commitment to reduce exposure to MSD hazards related to manual material handling is the direction the industry will take. Reducing the risk of MSDs at work—and the chronic pain that often comes with these types of injuries— will have positive outcomes that go beyond the workplace. When employees are able to fully enjoy their lives outside of work, without the burden of managing MSD pain, their quality of life improves dramatically. If not addressed, work-related MSDs may place further strain on community mental health and addiction resources. The objective of WSPS and Ontario's prevention system partners is to harness the knowledge gained from this initiative to help companies cultivate safer workplaces. By drawing on the insights gained from those who are directly involved with the work, WSPS will develop tools and resources that are tailored to the specific challenges faced in this industry, leading to better physical and mental health for Ontario workers.

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