
White Paper | Industry Insiders Identify Top Health & Safety Risks and Opportunities in Food and Beverage Wholesale Distribution Industry

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INDUSTRY DRIVEN, INDUSTRY FOCUSED PAGE | 7 TOP 10 RISK STATEMENT Exposure to musculoskeletal disorder hazards such as heavy lifting, repetitive motion, and awkward postures from manual material handling can have serious unintended and adverse effects on the safety and well-being of workers, organizational health, and the broader community. ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS WORKSHOP In January 2024, worker and management representatives from the food and beverage wholesale distribution industry collaborated for a second time. This time the goal was to explore the root causes behind the top riskā€”MSD hazards related to manual material handling. "Involving workers in root cause analysis activities regarding occupational health and safety hazards is not a widespread practice, which makes this a pioneering initiative within the food and beverage wholesale distribution industry," says Julia Lok. At the end of the first day, 35 primary causal factors had been identified in addition to 306 underlying causal factors. The 13 workshop participants were then asked to rate the level of importance of each primary causal factor on a scale of 1 to 7, with 1 indicating the least importance and 7 indicating the most importance. Lack of leadership commitment came out as the top factor causing increased exposure to MSD hazards in the industry. Based on his experience working with firms to improve their ergonomics, Don Patten explains that he often sees a disconnect with senior management. "When it comes to manual material handling and MSD prevention, it is a lack of commitment, but also often, a lack of understanding.," says Patten. "Companies need to commit to providing ergonomic training for manual material handling, but they also should commit to ongoing supervisory training on MSD risk assessment and hazard recognition. Additionally, supervisors should observe workers and correct them when needed, so proper lifting techniques become second nature," he says. "It's about designing workplaces and tasks so employees can use the techniques they are taught in training. Ergonomics is about fitting the work environment to the worker." 35 Primary Causal Factors 306 Underlying Causal Factors 13 Workshop Participants

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