
White Paper | Industry Insiders Identify Top Health & Safety Risks and Opportunities in Food and Beverage Wholesale Distribution Industry

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INDUSTRY DRIVEN, INDUSTRY FOCUSED PAGE | 10 " " "The workshops helped validate the hazards we have and opened our eyes to hazards that we may not be aware of. It was a great learning experience for me." — Patrycja Galka, SHE/PLP Manager, McCormick Canada COLLABORATION A CATALYST FOR POSITIVE CHANGE The contributions of the industry experts, who generously shared their time, expertise and real-world perspectives provided guidance and direction for prevention system partners to develop effective intervention strategies that will result in healthier, safer workplaces. It also fostered new relationships among peers in the industry, highlighted by the positive support experienced by all participants. The opportunity to come together for open discussion allowed for meaningful learning and networking opportunities. "Collaborating with my industry peers was an enriching experience," says Mathusha Sivakumaran, Health and Safety Specialist/HACCP Coordinator with Gordon Food Services. "Everyone who participated in the workshops felt supported and respected by each other."

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