
White Paper | Industry Insiders Identify Top Health & Safety Risks and Opportunities in Food and Beverage Wholesale Distribution Industry

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INDUSTRY DRIVEN, INDUSTRY FOCUSED PAGE | 12 " " "I thought it was terrific – eye-opening, enlightening. It gave great cross-sectional viewpoints from other companies that are basically doing the same business." — Scott Kittle, Ajax DC Worker Representative, Gordon Food Services "The insights gathered from the food and beverage wholesale distribution industry hold significant potential for scalability across other industries dealing with MSD hazards arising from manual material handling. While the recommendations may initially be sector-specific, many possess a similarity across sectors," says Dave Mitchell, Regional Director with WSPS. Mitchell explains that it is essential to educate leaders on the importance of prioritizing safety within the organization and understanding what is at stake when MSD hazards are not controlled. "MSDs may seem less serious initially compared to acute injuries because of their gradual onset and less apparent immediate consequences." "However, MSDs can become worse over time if not treated, leading to chronic pain and functional limitations. If not addressed, MSDs often lead to increased claims costs for organizations and can require the implementation of complex accommodation programs for workers in recovery." WSPS will perform a comprehensive gap analysis to assess current resources compared to the workshop recommendations. The organization will work with businesses and other stakeholders to disseminate this valuable information and provide businesses with the tools they need to protect workers' physical and mental health.

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