
White Paper | Industry Insiders Identify Top Health & Safety Risks and Opportunities in Food and Beverage Wholesale Distribution Industry

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INDUSTRY DRIVEN, INDUSTRY FOCUSED PAGE | 3 IMPACT OF MSDs ON MENTAL HEALTH AND PAIN MANAGEMENT When a worker is suffering from an MSD, it can negatively impact their quality of life and mental health. "Reduced mobility can make it challenging to engage in social activities, leading to feelings of frustration and isolation," says Patten. "And when your ability to work is affected, it can lead to financial stress from loss of income and increased medical expenses. In scenarios like this, we see individuals experiencing anxiety and depression." Pain management often becomes a significant issue for workers trying to cope with an MSD. For example, when back pain prevents a worker from being able to sleep, it has a ripple effect throughout all aspects of their life. "Constant pain sometimes becomes too much for people to bear, so they try to find a solution. That solution is usually pain medication," says Patten. "Suffering from an MSD has been known to lead to dependency on painkillers such as opioids." It's clear why exposure to MSD hazards from manual material handling emerged as the number-one risk facing workers in the food and beverage wholesale distribution industry. When the same group gathered a second time to explore root causes, the consensus was that lack of leadership commitment was the main causal factor. "This approach enables WSPS to champion effective preventative and proactive measures, which will significantly enhance the health and safety resources for Ontario workers," says Dave Mitchell, Regional Director (Central) with WSPS. With the knowledge gained, workers, employers and other industry stakeholders can use their expertise to collaborate on solutions. " " "The workshops provided an opportunity to view this hazard through a different lens by understanding how similar challenges are addressed by other organizations." —Mena DiFlorio and Christian Kerel, Occupational Health and Safety, IHM Specialists, Sobeys

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