
White Paper | Industry Insiders Identify Top Health & Safety Risks and Opportunities in Food and Beverage Wholesale Distribution Industry

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INDUSTRY DRIVEN, INDUSTRY FOCUSED PAGE | 9 RANK CATEGORY PRIMARY CAUSAL FACTOR WORKSHOP AVG 1 Culture Lack of leadership commitment 7.0 2 Process Inadequate training 6.83 3 Process Inadequate supervision 6.38 4 Environment Load being handled (dimensions) 6.23 5 People Improper postures 6.23 6 Environment Inadequate workplace design 6.05 7 Process Lack of management of change program 5.98 8 Measures Lack of/improper use of HIRA 5.98 9 Tools & Machines Inadequate equipment selection 5.97 10 Culture Inadequate reporting 5.97 TOP PRIMARY CAUSAL FACTORS The top ten primary causal factors that were identified for the food and beverage wholesale distribution industry are listed below with their rankings. The level of importance of each primary causal factor was rated on a scale of 1 to 7, with 1 indicating the least importance and 7 indicating the most importance. Don Patten notes that the top three causal factors are connected, so it's not surprising that they appear together on the list. "Training supervisors on recognizing manual material handling techniques and how they can contribute to MSDs is essential," he explains. "Being comfortable reporting these issues to leadership is also essential. Workers, supervisors, and leaders must work together to reduce the risks." "After the workshop, the facilitators met individually with each participant to go over their votes and discuss where they differed from their cohort. Each participant was given the opportunity to change their vote, if they wished, before the final results were compiled," says Brenner. The recommended solutions are also revisited during this important validation conversation to explore any additional inputs. Once all the information was validated, the top ten primary causal factors and final recommendations were determined.

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