Guides & Toolkits

Tool Kit | Food and Beverage Wholesale Distribution: Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) Manual Material Handling

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3 130-BPW-01-IMAP © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | WSPS.CA 3. Ensure Supervisors Know their Responsibilities Understand your legal duties and establish a process to protect employees and reduce risk. Supervisors play a critical role in health and safety and so much more. Good supervisors protect employees, help improve productivity, and reduce risk. They also motivate their teams and create a positive workplace culture – all of which boost profit margins and shareholder returns. A well-trained supervisor is one of the best assets an organization can have. Training Services Supervisor Responsibilities & Due Diligence Training The Effective Supervisor – Building Strategies for Success Supervisor Responsibilities & Due Diligence eCourse The Effective Trainer Safe Lifting and Manual Material Handling – Supervisor (1 hr) Information Resources Promoting from the floor? 5 tips to get new supervisors up to speed Guidelines for Supervisors – Ensuring Safe Lifting and MMH in the Workplace – Participant Resource WSPS Food & Beverage Wholesale Distribution Resource Hub WSPS Ergonomics & MSDs Resource Hub WSPS Warehouse Ergonomics Resource Hub 4. Identify MSD Hazards Complete a risk assessment to identify MSD hazards. Identify MSD hazards by observing tasks, reviewing incident reports, and seeking employee feedback. Perform job hazard analyses, ergonomic assessments, and consult with experts. Assess work practices, procedures, and environmental factors to ensure a safer workplace. Consulting Services MSD Hazard Identification Summary MSD Hazard Summary Report Ergonomic Program Audit General Consulting – Ergonomics Training Services Manual Materials Handling (MMH) Awareness Training Safe Lifting and Manual Material Handling (1/2 day) Safe Lifting and Manual Material Handling – Supervisor (1 hr) Information Resources Manual and mechanical material handling resources Manual Materials Handling Toolkit MSD Hazards Checklist WSPS.CA

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