
Canadian Agriculture Injury Reporting: Agriculture-related Fatalities in Ontario 1990–2020

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11 Adults (30 – 59 years) experienced a decrease in the fatality rate with an average of 0.7% annually. Older adults (60+ years) experienced a statistically significant decrease of 2.0% each year. 3.3 FATAL AGRICULTURE-RELATED INJURY COMPARISON BY AGE GROUP, 1990 – 2020 When comparing the fatality rates by population group, each age group experienced a decrease in fatality rate. Children (0 – 14 years) had a 0.6% decrease each year. Youth / young adults (15 – 29 years) had a statistically significant decrease of 4.0% each year. From this point forward, the report will focus on the most current 10 years of data available, 2011 – 2020 Children (0-14 yrs) Youth/young adults (15-29 yrs) Adults (30-59 yrs) Older Adults (60+ yrs) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Rate per 100,000 Farm Population Year Canadian Agriculture Injury Reporting Agriculture-related Fatalities in Ontario 1990 – 2020

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