
Canadian Agriculture Injury Reporting: Agriculture-related Fatalities in Ontario 1990–2020

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14 Of those killed in agriculture-related injury events, 84% (n=128) of the victims were engaged in agriculture-related work. Whereas, 16% (n=25) of those killed in agriculture-related injury events were not working at the time of the incident. There were 3 fatalities with insufficient documentation to determined if the deceased was working or not working at the time of the incident. 4.5 FATAL AGRICULTURE-RELATED INJURIES: BY RELATIONSHIP TO AGRICULTURE-RELATED WORK, 2011 – 2020 Of the 156 agriculture-related fatalities in Ontario, 93% (n=143) were work-related. The 7% of fatalities that were non-work-related (n=10) were due to hazards of the farm environment. Most adults who died were engaged in agriculture-related work, whereas the majority of children who were killed in work-related injury events were not working themselves. There were 3 fatalities with insufficient documentation to determine if work was being performed at the time of the incident. Sixty-three percent of agriculture-related fatalities (n=99) were machine-related. The leading machine-related mechanisms of fatal injury were machine rollovers, machine runovers, and machine entanglements. (Figure 4.6). There were 57 agriculture-related fatalities that were non-machine-related (37%) included being struck by an animal or an object, drownings (mainly in children), falls from height, and exposure to toxic substances. (Figure 4.6). 4.6 MACHINE-RELATED FATALITIES Canadian Agriculture Injury Reporting Agriculture-related Fatalities in Ontario 1990 – 2020 143 Work-related 93% 128 Victim working 84% 99 Machine-related 63% 10 Non work-related 7% 25 Victim not working 16% 57 Non-machine-related 37%

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