
Canadian Agriculture Injury Reporting: Agriculture-related Fatalities in Ontario 1990–2020

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19 4.11 FATAL AGRICULTURE-RELATED INJURY ROLLOVER BY ROLLOVER TYPE, 2011 – 2020 Of the 20 rollover fatalities, 30% (n=6) occurred sideways in direction. Another 25% (n=5) of the rollover fatalities were backwards, and in 45% (n=9), either the direction of the rollover could not be determined or there was insufficient documentation to determine the direction of the rollover at the time of death. The majority of the rollover fatalities involved a tractor 65% (n=13), 20% (n=4) involved a mower and another 15% (n=3) involved an all-terrain vehicle (ATV). 4.12 FATAL AGRICULTURE-RELATED INJURY ROLLOVERS BY THE TOP 3 IMMEDIATE CAUSES AND ACTIVITIES OF ROLLOVERS, 2011 – 2020 Top 3 Immediate Causes (percent based on known causes and activities) Ÿ Of the 20 rollover agriculture-related fatalities, travelling too close edge accounted for 38% of the rollover fatalities (n=5) Ÿ towing (extraction) accounted for another 23% (n=3) Ÿ travelling on incline, rough terrain, dragging logs / implements, pulling stumps / trees, pulling heavy machine / trailer, each accounted for 8% with 1 fatality for each cause Ÿ 35% of the rollover fatalities, a cause could not be determined or there was insufficient documentation to determine the cause of the rollover. Top 3 Activities Ÿ Of the 20 rollover agriculture-related fatalities, 39% (n=7) of the rollovers identified transportation as the most common activity prior to deaths. This involves travelling on highways / roadways. Ÿ 28% (n=5) involved mowing, Ÿ 11% (n=2) each for field work and towing (extraction). Ÿ 10% of the rollover fatalities, an activity could not be determined or there was insufficient documentation to determine the activity prior to the rollover. Canadian Agriculture Injury Reporting Agriculture-related Fatalities in Ontario 1990 – 2020 6 Rollover Sideways 30% 5 Rollover Backwards 25% 9 Rollover Unspecified 45%

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