
Canadian Agriculture Injury Reporting: Agriculture-related Fatalities in Ontario 1990–2020

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21 4.14 FATAL AGRICULTURE-RELATED INJURIES BY RELATIONSHIP TO FARM OPERATOR, 2011 – 2020 Of the 154 known relationships of the deceased to the farm owner, the majority (52%) were the farm owner / operator themselves (n=80), 19% (n=29) were children of the farm owner / operator, while 14% (n=22) were identified as hired workers. Another 7% (n=11) were identified as other relative of the operator. This includes a death of a father, brother, nephew or grandchild. Of the 142 known locations of death, the most frequent locations were in a barn with 24% (n=34). Fields and dry ditches accounted for 23% of fatalities (n=32). The next location was farmyard, accounting for 14% of fatalities (n=20). Adult visitors or contractors accounted for another 3% of fatlities (n=4). For 1% of fatalities (n=2), there was insufficient documentation to determine a relationship. 4.15 FATAL AGRICULTURE-RELATED INJURIES BY LOCATION, 2011 – 2020 Canadian Agriculture Injury Reporting Agriculture-related Fatalities in Ontario 1990 – 2020 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Adult visitor or contractor Other relative of operator Hired worker Child of operator Operator Number of Fatalities Relationship to Farm Owner 80 (52%) 29 (19%) 22 (14%) 11 (7%) 4 (3%) Agriculture-related deaths occurring on the road / highway and dry ditches accounted for 11% of deaths (n=15). 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Water source, manure pit Driveway and dry ditches Silo/grain bin Road/highway and dry ditches Farmyard Field and dry ditches Barn Number of Fatalities Location 34 (24%) 32 (23%) 20 (14%) 15 (11%) 10 (7%) 9 (6%) 8 (6%)

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